Saturday, March 29, 2014

World Building

I've been working really hard on outlining the second book in my Knights Journey series, something that I am quite proud of. As a result of all of my outlining, I have been doing a lot of world building so I figured that this would be a fun topic to post about.

My world is called Eos, and the two main countries of my tale are Atlea and Lauratrea (you can visit to see a map). Much of my second book is going to take place in Lauratrea and this has led me to elaborate on my world. There are a lot of aspects of the land that I have already built and defined, but  there is still much that needs to be created. For instance, in the capitol of Lauratrea I developed an arena where the public gathers to watch as fighters are pitted against each other. I always planned to have an arena, but now I am developing the rules and traditions that go with it. It is really fun, but it can be difficult to work out a history of traditions that establish rules that make sense and perfectly fit my needs. Its hard to build a world that is the way you envision it while maintainimg consistency and plausibility. There has to be a reason things are the way they are. There has to be a history.

I really enjoy building my world, but I feel bad that most of what I create will not be placed into the books. On my website, I made a page about the various countries of my world. It lists some history and some of the major cities and places. One of my ideas (for when I have time) is to turn the list of cities into a set of hyperlinks so that I can create a page for each city so that readers who are interested can read about all of the histories and the unseen aspects of my world. Maybe I'll one day create a history book for my world.

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